Wednesday, February 29, 2012

22 million people have cancer, half a million will die this year

If you have enough people to put up four games of cards.
One of them has cancer.

Every fourtieth card party, that one will die.

22 MILLION people have cancer.
More than half a million will die from it.
Marijuana cures cancer.
The idiots have put such an onus of fear and loathing (for no reason, either) onto it that researchers could not even get more to test with.
Prostate cancer mean anything to guys?
Brest cancer mean anything to you girls?
Lung cancer mean anything to anyone?
Brain cancer?
Skin cancer?

OK, it's harmless as a recreational outlet, but, politicians being what they are (getting everything they are taking away from health care, a big fat retirement package that includes guaranteed yearly raises) have decided that if they move too fast to help those with cancer, help those without jobs, that they will appear as something weak to the general population. And to make things worse, our congressmen and senators cannot even use a google search bar. They don't even know that 125-175 million people WANT to smoke recreationally, they don't know it cures cancer, they don't even know why their cars keep them warm (cannabis insulation, probably)

So, you have sixteen friends.
You like your friends.
and marijuana cannabinoid oil MIGHT just cure that.

Write to your Congressman, Congresswoman, Senators, President, Governor, state legislator, mayor...

Legalize marijuana.

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