Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Well, people who will emphatically state that their mission is the more important mission...

Todd Rokita, (In a letter back to me about his "stand" on marijuana and its possible cures)

"Thank you for contacting me regarding medicinal marijuana.  It is good to hear from you.

As you may know, several measures have been introduced this Congress regarding medicinal marijuana. I believe every American citizen deserves to be treated with the best medical care and receive adequate medication at reasonable costs.

That being said, I do not support the legalization of medicinal marijuana. That is why I support the current Federal and Indiana laws governing the sale and use of medical marijuana.

I am sorry that we do not agree on this issue. Healthy debate and discourse are benchmarks of a vibrant republic and we are lucky to live in a nation that honors that belief. I will do my best to represent you and the people of Indiana's 4th District well.

Again, thank you for contacting me, please stay in touch. "

Steel industry, as automobiles will start using more cannabis body parts because of the better durability, inexpensiveness, and that it is biodegradable

Pharmaceutical companies, because there are many health benefits from marijuana that can be had for a fraction of cost compared to their prices

Automobile manufacturers, because retooling their machines means hiring more men

Alcohol industry because marijuana doesn't kill brain cells, nor is it addictive

Tobacco industries, because not only is marijuana not addictive, it can also help people break their tobacco addiction

Privatized prison builders because full cells means more work for builders

Privatized prison owners, because full cells means more profit

Fuel industries because lightweight vehicles give batteries and hybrid vehicles a better chance at working

Police agencies because most get to confiscate and sell property of people caught smoking marijuana

National Institute of Health because they have invested their time and effort up a blind alley, and now refuse to admit wrong doing (credibility, and it also means that the Center for Disease Control and the DEA and the FDA all have the same stake in selling the untruth)

Politicians getting lobby money from these and similar industries

Lobbyists that get paid to say it is bad and buy government votes to do so, too

Drug dealers, because there would be no profit if there wasn't a law against marijuana

Lumber corporations because cannabis can replace most items made from trees without tearing down a forest

Import companies profiting on the products from China, India, Europe, and Canada, because if it were legal to grow cannabis here, we wouldn't have to import it.


WHO DOES want marijuana legalized?

Anyone who has,  Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Brain cancer, prostate cancer, or skin cancer, or has relatives and loved ones with those cancers

Anyone who has friends, loved ones or family with Alzheimer

Those with MS or CP

Glaucoma patients

People who would rather get a relaxing buzz without killing brain cells or becoming addicted, as a matter of Freedom and Choice

Folks who live on the Southern border and are tired of the "war" going on that's killing their friends and neighbors

Folk who are interested in lessening our carbon footprint

Unemployed people, as legalization means hundreds of thousands of jobs

As well as a multitude of us that realize that it is not a significant priority in this day and age


TheCause said...

Was wondering how to contact you? Looks like we share IN District-4. I'm looking at organizing in our area. Strength in numbers.

boneman said...

Yes, well, that's a good cause, to be sure.
Having written Evan Bayh only to be told that marijuana is the most addictive material in the world (he is a moron, you see) and that he and Fienstein have doubled the penalties of medicinal marijuana users...
Having written Todd Rokita to be told that "oh, the children" even though NO child has ever died from marijuana overdoses even though alcohol kills about 2000 children (or underage drinkers) a year...
After having written the President of the United States of America only to be told it doesn't cure anything, even though Harvard (President Obama's school) says it helps stop cancer growth, even though UCLA Geffen School of Medicine says it stops cancer growth, even though the University of Colorado says it can and does stop the growth of FIVE forms of cancer (Breast, Lung, Brain, Skin, and Prostate) in laboratory animals, leaves me high and dry as to where to turn for help.

Then, add in the fact that between 125 million and 150 million adults either did or still do smoke marijuana recreationally at least once a month (old figures from college back in the 1980s) and that hundreds of thousands of jobs can be had with cannabis, and that the deficit could be lowered by near $23 Billion per year in arrests and court costs, and that near $32 Billion a year added to the tax rolls with new employment, and the end of the border wars, there is STILL: no interest from our government figures.
They seem more willing to seek PAC money from drug dealers and big corporations than in serving the people of this country.

Now add to that the fact that Indiana police can break into anyone's home and shoot them to death with no reason whatsoever ( and then return to work at their leisure, I find it even harder to figure out a path of freedom.

Meanwhile, I have three friends with cancer (two with breast cancer, one with lung cancer) and now, as it turns out, so do I.
I am at my rope's end with feet dangling miles above any solid ground.

Being out of ideas, I can only do what I am doing...
Spreading the word as fast as possible, before they come to shoot ME dead, even though I am a law abiding citizen, an honorably discharged veteran, a construction worker (with near a quarter century of good work behind me) but now an artist that makes less than $1000 a year for far too many years.
Heck, if you have an idea, shout it out.

Like I said, I'm losing the call for freedom, and have few options left.